When considering anime how does a westerner not immediately think "japanese with subtitles"?
I have made excuses for the herasey I have wrought however, disatisfaction remains. More. It builds.
The mounting pressure filling to burst.
I have rewatched my edit of BNHA more times that you would be comfortable knowing. And at first I mearly satisfied myself with the knowledge that I had reduced the kruft substantially. Of course there are the easy removes. Skip the op the ed the teaser. Been there done that. No I was satisfied with having removed much more. Why the hell is Deku narrarating what is plain to see in the show? why are there so many flashbacks, even to things that have happened in the very same episode. NO. It would not stand. And so it was gone. Insipid little jokes which tell nothing of the characters, do nothing for the plot, kill the pacing of the story? Get behind me satan. Banished to the cutting floor.
But there were compromises. I didn't really know what I was doing. I didn't know how to create subtitles, so I used english. The voices are fine. not good, but passible. And it lets me more passively watch the show. HAH. and so I lulled myself into middling cuts. I couldn't match audio between different sections so I again compromised. As the project wore on, my impatience began to show in the care I took, and so the cutting became more and more obvious as the episodes progressed. Why didn't I cut this! i would scream in my heart? How Could I Possibly Miss THAT?! the stabbing steel of the single hero introduction I failed to cut in volume 12.
And dissatisfaction grew.
It has time again come for a new season to be subjected to my harsh critisim but the dissatisfaction stayed my hand. Why bother? It isn't going to be what i NOW want. what i probably wanted the whole time. What I had convinced myself was beyond my means.
Old version can be found [www.cybersavior.dev/site/my_hero_old.html] where the previous version of this page resides in deeper neurons. The project is well underway. News to follow.
update:3/3/25: S1 complete with ~37% reduction to runtime consisting of 2 episodes. episode 1 covering from start to acceptance into school with runtime of 52m. episode 2 covering from start of school to USJ incident (some debate on spliting at end of Bakugo fight) with runtime of 1h59m. if hypothetical split made result would be a 42 minute episode and a 1h17m episode. The only argument I can see for split is to have more consistant episode lengths, frankly part of my problem with the pacing of the show is that exact reason. They start with the container and then pad to fill it. arbitraily creating containers of similar size rather than ones containing cohesive content paced naturally to the information contained is a step away from the core premise for making this "supercut". Personally episode length doesn't really effect me one way or the other in terms of the watching experience tho, 2hrs, 5hrs, 20m, doesn't mater. i will tend to batch watch, and i have no problem pausing and coming back later when needed. opinions may differ. regarding the actual result compared to my previous attempt. Much better.