what's the point of my 'blog' section under writing?



I already have the ability to make [blog] like entries under [feed] and i don't even need to touch the [indental] files to do that. I don't even need to open acme. and since rc in rio has full mouse chording and editing higher up in the buffer it'ts actually a pretty decent experiance. The down sides is that i can't use the more fun features of [plan9 acme], like pipeing selected text to commands and having it be auto replaced by the result. but I got by without that kind of stuff before anyway.

the main down side is that i need to type with a quirk here. i need to double my apostrophies in order to escape them. enevitably I will forget one or two and then feeder will happily progress and fill in the incorrect information to the feed.ndtl file. But upside is if I put them here, It's easier to not make them [muffet_text text] entries, and instead I can use all the shortcuts for links and such properly.

I already have the blog section so I guess I will keep it. But also Since [law order] is boring, I will also be putting what are ostensibly blog updates here as well.

incoming references