"all this to say 'Jim Davis isn't funny' " - 200 or so random commenters hmmm... no. <40 minutes of inane rambling about 7 minutes of well shot nonsense> - nightmind well maybe that's not a fair summarization. But I do have a point. It's just going that step further is easier for me, a 3rd party, but to take a further step is difficult, and because that difficulty it is perhaps a bit hypocritical to even talk about the failings of these takes. Because these failings fundimentally are about not holding the mirror to themselves. So clearly to condemn them for that failing without doing the same myself would leave a wound on myself. and then I'd get banned on twitch for selfharm. And I can't afford to be struck out of Bezos' book of life, condemned to the wailing and gnashing of teeth without server space to lay my head at the end of time. the pipe strip is a 3 panel comic. how long could you talk about a three panel comic. the first panel doesn't have any text and the last a single name. An answer "garfield!". answer to what? a question. The question given in the second panel. "Now where could my pipe be?" now note, the question isn't "where is my pipe?" the simpler form expressing a similar idea. It's "Now" "where could" "my pipe" "be". now - imma, c in this moment, at this time, presently. should this be 'sei chas' or 'tepyer'? the first has the meaning of a more direct, literal "this moment". more an answering construction. when? at this moment. the other implies a "before" and a now extending slightly into the future. "after all that, presently" looking at the the question only in english one could be forgiven for not questioning the single word - now. But it is this kind of ambiguous. could this be a now in contrast to then? where could my pipe have been? how about in 30 years? what about .... now ... or is this simply a filler word. thinking, creating a possibility space of all the possibilities - nnooooowwww, dragging the word out, casting eyes left and right, and a pause. the silent elipsis un writen for it's presence so clearly existant that it need not be printed to page in ink. The creation of the posibility space of all the wheres the pipe could in fact be. but it finds itself in the most unlikely of places, now, and in the mouth of a cat. And now having written now so many times, having looked at it, and spelled it in repitition too extreme it begins to lose it's coherance. the quarks of it's creation bursting apart. N quark O quark W quark. You do know how to cross your eyes, yes? NOW NOW no w n ow n o w n o w n n w w o o n n w w o o the stron g force of letter binding unable to the stro ng force of letter binding unable to adhear this w ord together in my mind. adhear this word together i n my mind. the so unds h old no longer with them selve. the s ounds hold no longer with thems elve. no. with. no wi [k]now MY GOD DAMN no. with. no wi [k]now MY GODDAMN w hy isn't now spe lt nao? nao wear kud mai paip B? why isn't now sp elt nao? nao wear kud mai paip B? and pipe wherefor e does that mean pi p e and pipe wherefo re does that mean pi p e > | < > |< | < > | |< > | and to what is my peye p connected? and to what is my pey ep connected? .