There is some serious questioning going on now. It's Ar3544 [myugii] has been hit by some kind of crystalization of time. She can't move forward as she is. It's somewhat problematic but [temuorin] relies on her for quite a bit so we need some work around. [Euphoria] has stated she want's to take over myugii's primary role as key holder for now, while we work towards trying to solve the problem.
The crystalization was unable to be reversed, so instead, in desperation, we destroyed the crystal to recover Myugii's [soulgem] and used the shell of [jakarutu] as host to the newly reformed Myugii. Since then things have progressed quite quickly. [Helion] has established a forward operating base on [gemini] and it is there that current efforts are directed. For better or for worse. Time will tell.